Our Passion

woman at an event

Team Blue Takes Steps Toward a Cure

Darcy Swope, a Nebraska/Iowa Chapter Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation (CCF) board member, has witnessed first-hand the impact inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can have on someone’s life. Her son, Riley, first experienced symptoms in high school but wasn’t diagnosed with ulcerative colitis until his freshman year of college. According to the […]


A Holistic Approach to Employee Wellness

Gratitude, faith, and an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) helped Molly Billings, director of HR operations at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE), through the loss of her mom in September of 2022. When her mom passed away, Billings immediately reached out to the EAP offered to BCBSNE employees. […]


An Angel on Earth: A Caring Nurse’s Outreach

Last winter, the Omicron variant of COVID-19 was surging, filling hospitals and alarming heath authorities worldwide. Meanwhile, Jim Sanderson of Hastings, Nebraska, was hard at work pursuing his passion as a singer-songwriter. Sanderson crossed paths with COVID-19 in January 2022, and his condition turned severe. He was hospitalized at Hastings’ […]


Wellness is More than a New Year’s Resolution

After months of holiday treats and cups of cheer, many of us find ourselves setting ambitious health goals for the year ahead. A few might even see those goals survive until February.  Caroline Kahnk makes a living helping colleagues keep their resolutions and enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. […]

mother with newborn child

Personalized Pregnancy Care from a Caring Heart

Jenny Hemmer was always interested in health care. “For a while, I wanted to be a doctor,” she said. “I’m an empathetic personality. I like to help people.” That caring heart led her to fulfilling work as a nurse in Omaha for over ten years. But overnight shifts and unpredictable […]


A Powerful Movement to Raise Veteran Awareness

People come from all walks of life with their own values, ethics, and traditions. In 2020, Air Force veteran Jay Miralles launched a powerful movement to raise awareness about the hardships that veterans face. With an initial idea to raise $2,500 for a military-based nonprofit, the question of how to […]


Ignite Nebraska: Blazing a Path to a More Equitable World

Ignite Nebraska began with the ending of a dream and the start of a new one. One night, Joni Wheeler awoke with an idea to solve a far-reaching problem: Many people who are active in the workforce are under-resourced and cannot achieve financial stability. Despite working full-time, they do not […]

people in parade

Strength in Numbers to Take Care and Support People

Many top employers in the U.S. have made great strides toward prioritizing diversity and inclusion for employees. But ensuring every single individual within an organization feels truly valued and heard goes far beyond compliance with programs such as affirmative action. It requires a constant commitment from everyone in the company […]


A Voice for Others Leads to Unexpected Impactful Actions

Providing leadership opportunities for youth has long been recognized as an effective way to help develop character, build solid communications skills, and encourage personal growth. That’s been the Boys Town approach for more than 100 years. In fact, the Village of Boys Town has its own government system that was […]

two men and a guitar

Community of Camaraderie Provides Tremendous Support

Most people have experienced a degree of trauma in their life, and some of these traumas can leave a lasting impact and change their behavior. When you serve in the military, exposure to various traumas can lead to veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD.) While there are many ways […]