Our Youth

young girl with lots of shoes

A caring ‘sole’

When Lilly Maddox turned 9-years-old, her parents opened up their home for foster care. To Lilly’s surprise, some of the kids arrived without shoes. Wanting to help other kids who might not have shoes, she decided instead of receiving presents for her birthday, she wanted her friends and family to […]

young boy

Sutton Banion — A Hero Among Us

Many kids want to grow up to be a superhero. But having one visit you in person is the next best thing. Three years ago, eight-year-old Sutton Banion underwent surgery to remove a tumor from his skull, a rare condition called Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH). During his hospital stay, a […]

girl with cupcakes

Grace Hanson — Little Entrepreneur, Big Heart

Entrepreneurship often begins at an early age and with a simple idea. Baking cupcakes was an activity that eight-year-old Grace Hanson initially did for fun, but then she decided she wanted to sell them to friends and neighbors. With the help of her mother, Liz, who built a portable cupcake […]

young woman artist

Shelby Adams — A Strong Foundation

Confidence comes in many forms. For sixteen-year-old Shelby Adams, her confidence comes from her willingness to try new things. Those have included art lessons at age 6, Tae Kwan Do lessons at age 11, and home schooling at age 13. Since then she has become an award-winning artist, a 2nd […]

young boy

Cale Ferrin: A Star is Born

Cale Ferrin  |  Age 10  |  Reagan Elementary When you hear the phrase “meant to be,” it couldn’t apply more to Cale Ferrin who is a fourth grader at Millard’s Reagan Elementary and an accomplished actor. He also has a rare, genetic terminal disease called Fanconi Anemia that has no […]