Maybe it was the worst holiday season ever or you have made a resolution to move on from a bad marriage. Either way, this time of year often inspires couples to resolve to dissolve their marriage. First, take a deep breath. Everything is going to be okay. We know this […]
Our Families
What Makes Your Life Meaningful?
I recently considered this question within the context of estate planning and had an epiphany. It is at the core of this question that the motivation and objective of estate planning are revealed. By thinking about what makes your life meaningful, you begin to determine the direction in which your […]
Dividing Assets and Debts in a Divorce
When contemplating divorce, one of the largest pieces of the process is figuring out how to separate assets and debts. This part can be stressful and overwhelming but with the right support and an experienced divorce attorney helping you, it can easily be broken down into manageable steps. Identifying the […]
Custody 101 – Know All the Factors
“Where are my kids going to live?” “Will I get to decide where my children go to school?” “Are my kids going to be OK?” These are all questions lawyers hear when discussing custody issues with clients in divorce and paternity cases. There are two types of custody that are […]
Premarital Agreements: Time to Discuss before You Say “I Do”
A friend of mine once told me the best advice she ever received in picking a life partner: “Never marry someone you can’t stand being divorced from.” For so many reasons, this rings true. While premarital agreements often get a bad rap – words like “unromantic”, “distrust”, and “greed” come […]
Divorce: The Process in a Nutshell
Divorce is never easy, even when you think it might be easy. It comes with emotions, expenses, and requires the capacity to endure the process. Ending your marriage and separating all the things you and your spouse acquired can be exhausting and never really feels fair. Talking with friends and […]