There is one key factor most people overlook when trying to figure out why their kids may be struggling in school. Whether they’re having trouble with focus, concentration, sitting still, staying on task, reading comprehension, behavioral issues, etc. This one key factor is the eyes. I don’t necessarily mean a […]
Author: Dr. Stephen Stinn
Stop Struggling in School
If you receive negative emails from your child’s school or homework is becoming more and more of a struggle, a Brain-Body Disconnect could be why. No, they are not lazy. They are not unintelligent, and it is not bad parenting. Most forms of healthcare will follow a top-down approach, managing […]
Arm Your Family Against Cold and Flu Season
Unfortunately, this is the time of year that kids and adults alike start to feel the effects of cold and flu season. With that, I want to give two quick tips you can implement to be preventative in staying healthy this winter season. Vitamin D3 & K2: I take an […]
Is it ADHD or is it the Eyes?
ADHD is becoming increasingly more common. Whether a child has an official diagnosis or not, hyperactivity and inattention in the classroom are at an all-time high. Kids are having trouble sitting still, paying attention, focusing, reading, and behaving properly in the classroom and at home. So many times I see […]
Common Back-to-School Challenges in Children
The new school year is already here and summer has flown by like always. When you think back to last year, maybe your child had challenges with any of the following: Reading speed, reading comprehension, handwriting, concentration, sitting still, behavior, or sensory processing. Any one of these will no doubt […]
Vertigo and Dizziness
Vertigo is a sensation of spinning dizziness. If you or someone you know struggles with chronic vertigo or dizziness you may have heard of the vestibular system. The vestibular system is your balance system and it resides in your inner ear. It consists of three semicircular canals in each ear […]
Addressing Behavorial Issues in Children
Do you or someone you know have a child who struggles with behavioral issues? You are definitely not alone as it is a common issue with kids today. Because of several environmental factors, more and more kids are not getting rid of their infant reflexes. These are reflexes we have […]
Managing Anxiety
Unfortunately, anxiety affects so many of us today. Kids and adolescents face a lot of anxiety and social anxieties in school. Adults face a lot of anxiety with running kids around, work, and life stressors. The pace of the world moves fast and sometimes our bodies can’t adapt as well […]
Gut and G.I. Issues in Kids
Why are so many kids today experiencing gut issues? The way I look at it is our current environment is not conducive to building a healthy gut microbiome. Two environmental difference being: C-section births and inability to breastfeed. C-section births are much higher than they used to be. I understand […]
Bedwetting: Two Contributing Factors
Bedwetting, also known as Nocturnal Enuresis, is defined as involuntary voiding while sleeping in people five years of age or older. Bedwetting spans across multiple ages, affecting about 20% of the population at age five, 10% at the age of ten, and 3% at the age of fifteen. There are […]